The Problem

  • In the UK, access to judgments and transcripts in civil proceedings is problematic:
    • BAILII provides an amazing service making available a vast range of British and Irish case law & legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material. However, not all judgments appear on BAILII (for reasons which are explained here).
    • Legal publishers, including BAILII, request the same case data, often in the same way, from HMCTS.
    • There is no reliable comprehensive source of case data, making analysis and other Legal Tech initiatives flawed.

The Approach

We facilitated workshops to identify a common set of data fields and an understanding of the types of problems and opportunities that might be available for those involved in publishing case data.

The Result

We generated a map with the relevant stakeholders identifying the actions, who is involved, and the problems associated with each stage.
notion image
NOTE: Since this exercise, court and tribunal judgments will be made available via The National Archives for the first time, increasing transparency and securing free access for all (see Press Release).